Got a dickhead to strangle

I should mention at some point that I got myself a Wii when I went to China. It was mainly meant for karaoke and DDR but I'm just halfway there. The DDR part is working while the karaoke part refuse to. Should I mention that my Wii is softmod?
Anyway, I'm also halfway through the process of acceptance that I never will get my Wii to recognize any mic. On the bright side, I can easily and free get almost any games I want. That does spoil the fun of enjoying the game a bit coz I they seems to bored me out too fast.

This month is my sixth in Norway. Wow half a year soon gone! Maybe I should do some ranting. I'm in the mood to rant today. Um um the mango I bought yesterday taste bad. Why do they serve hamburger at the cantine every bloody wednesday? If I see one more burger I'll puke! Seriously. Digging out my car twice a day is NOT fun!
Actually I haven't been totally honest here. What I really want to rant about....well I can't.
Would you excuse me for a sec, I just need to go and bank my head on something hard. No, not really but I'm nearly there.

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