It's done! =)

Days hard work is over. My hands are hurting a bit but I feel so proud.
I did some modifications, mostly because of my lazyness. It doesn't look as cute as the cover picture but I'm pleased.


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...and I'm in Norway.
Midsummer in Norway or here in Ålesund is celebrated by lighting up a big tower of pallets. This year it looks like this (photos from Slinningsbålet facebook group)

It was lit up at 10pm today but for some reason, almost two hours has gone and it hasn't burnt much. is broadcasting live with a webcam on a page where people can write comments. The comments are quite sarcastic and enjoyable to read so I'll make a selection and post them here.

"Slinningsbålet sponses av Gjensidige - best på brannsikkerhet!"
Slinningsbålet is sponsored by Gjensidige (Norwegian insurance company) - best in fire safety!

"Neste gang Norge har vinter OL, slepper vi å tenne OL ilden hvertfall."
At least we don't need to light up the torch next time Norway is hosting the Winter Olympics

"Nå skjønner jeg. Dette er sunnmøringer som skal selge pallene neste uke og dermed venter de til alle har reist hjem og deretter begynner de å demontere bålet."
I got it now. This is the summørs people who's going to sell the pallets next week so they're waiting for everybody to go home and then they can start to dismantle the tower.

"Skal dere brenne bare litt i år og resten neste år?"
Are you going to burn just a little this year and the rest next year?

And the winner is: "Hyggeli at dæm har lagt inn 3-4 måna innsats i å bygg den plankhaugen, men MÅ dæm absolutt bruk samme tid på å brenn d ned???"
It's nice of them to spend 3-4 months on building this pile of woods, but do they HAVE TO use the exact amount of time to burn it down???

Norwegian are really wonderfully sarcastic with their comments.

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This is addictive!

Korean football and needlework in combination. (>_<)
 Wondering what is worse, falling into guystuff or grandma stuff?

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Lucky me?

Guess what I found in my mail box when I got home today? A lottery from Eurocard. Fairly amused since I never win on lotteries, I did the routinely scratch. Didn't believed that I won so I had to double check it. Even though it's the (almost) smallest amount you can win, it made my day.
Here's the proof.

This makes me wonder - did I use up a whole week's luck on this or does it means that I now left my bad luck behind? Can I expect more good news to come?

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New Project

I got this DIY from china a big while ago but haven't found the time to start on it.

It's a cellphone strap or it will be when I'm finished with it. Here's the ingredients.

Haven't done this kind of girly stuff since primary school. Found it quite relaxing and rewarding when you see the shape comes together. I'll post the result when I'm done. Wonder how many days it'll take me.

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I want summer

Looking through pictures from last summer in Göteborg today. I seems to have forgotten how the sun looks like. Wearing a winter jacket this close to midsummer is just pathetic. The locals here are trying to convince me that this summer is exceptionally cold, don't know if I should believe that.
I want the sky blue and my umbrella in black lace! That's the way it should be. I miss summer in Göteborg.

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2 days, 16 eps and a zombie later

And I swear I look like this guy -------->

Four weeks left and then holiday. Yay!!!
Feels like I need it.

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Bad Couple

This Kdrama really caught me by surprise. The storyline is quite odd but give us a mirror of different situations in life that 30 something women are in. Mix with humour and intrigue it's deffinitely worth sinking into.

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Fashion Show

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Hello rain

It's raining outside. I'm not complaining, I'm at ease.
The rain will continue throughout the whole weekend. Honestly, I feel relief.
Then I will stay inside with a clear conscience.

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Two years ago from today...

..I got my driver's license!!!
Which means that my probation time has finally come to an end. Now I'll drive fast and reckless muhahahaha.
Nah just kidding. It feels good that I don't need to be paranoid about re-taking it. The process was an expensive torture which I prefer not to re-live.
This is what I look like at that time. ------------------------->

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Falling into you

How common is it to see people fall? Once a year? Once a month? Once a week? Or once a day?
I must be lucky to have witnessed 3 fall within 3-4 days then?

Fall 1. A young lady was running on the opposite side of the street and boom she fell. Stood up quite quickly and did the routinely look-around.
Fall 2. My friend was walking down the steps behind me and boom he was sitting down, "resting".
Fall 3. A guy at work walking in the opposite direction of me talking to his friends, looking at me and boom he hit the trash can and fell on it.

If I'd had captured those moment somehow then I could post them up on youtube =P

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It's 3 in the morning...

... and the sky is blue.
I think the sun never sleeps.

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Summing up my lazy weekend with photos

Found a babe in town

Met a mysterious guy.

And end up skywalking

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It's 6th of June!

All swedes should know what kind of day it is.
It's supposed to be a hot sunny day with blue sky and people would be out BBQ. In Sweden that is.
Days like this make me hate this place I'm staying in.

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Feeling lazy

Sunshine, blue sky and the fact that it's June already makes me want to lie down on the grass with a cold drink and just doze off. Been out on my new heels and done some people watching.
Actually I'm bored to the bone and frustrated. Days like these should be spent BBQ:ing and water playing. Living in a winterland really gets me. In a place where sunshine is more common one just don't care about it and carry on life as usual. But as you don't normally see the sun, it's somehow becomes important to do things that you normally can't do when it's grey and windy and rainy.
You know what? I don't care if it's sunny I'm going to take a nap... preferebly somewhere in the sun (>_<)

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"Do you wanna die happy..."

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My girlfriend or my cat?

There's a popular thread running on a big swedish forum where the guy was posting following asking people for advice.

"Should I choose my girlfriend or my cat?
I've been in relationship with my girlfriend for about 2 years. She's moved in together with me and my cat 4 months ago. Shortly after she's moved in she was coughing, sneezing and her eyes got irritated. The doctors concluded that she was allergic to my cat.
She's now telling me that she can't live together with the cat despite medication. I then told her that I need to think about what to do. She got very upset and has gone to her mother and I haven't heard anything from her since.
So what should I do now? My thought is like this, the cat has been living with me 2 months longer than my girlfriend so logicaly it should have some advantages? One can't judge what's wrong or right in this situation, what do you guys think?"

My first reaction was WTF??!! Poor girl, being considered less than a cat in her boyfriends eyes. A lot of people replied to the thread. Some gave the thread starter seriously suggestions like he might want to have his friend or relative taking care of the cat if he's so attach to it. He don't need to kill the cat or never see it again, just not living with it. Others scolding the guy being a jerk and his girlfriend deserves better. However suprisingly big number of guys seriously advicing the thread starter to keep the cat with the argument that he'll still have the cat after 10 year while there's a big risk (or chance IMHO) that the girlfriend might not.

So logically I should feel a bit better coz at least the "cat" in my case is a human?

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Been moving office between meetings today. Really miss the Volvo way where they sent 2 strong guy to do all the carrying. Still have a little bit left which I save until tomorrow coz they need to do some sweeping in my new office first.

I've noticed a clear trend among all the company I've started at. When I arrived they all sit in separate own rooms and shortly after it's decided that everybody should sit in open landscape. I think it's definitely a trend going through all companies.

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