Last day...

Some people handle it by talking to other people, some just quietly go through their minds. I've always been the kind who write it out of my system...more or less.
It has been a wonderful weekend but it hasn't turned out the way I expected it to. Funny how life can take sudden turns occasionally.
I feel hungry but I don't want to eat. I feel tired but can't put myself to rest. I guess there's thing one just can't get prepared for.
Nobody has done anything wrong. There's noone to hate or get angry at. Just a sea of pure sadness. You were wonderful until the very last second. I just have to learn how to let go. Just want to let you know - I had a great time!

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1 kommentarer:

Long sa...

Aww, är så ledsen för din skull! :(. Hoppas du känner dig bättre snart! :)

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