There's sunshine after rain

Yesterday was terrible. I now understand why those who frequently travel between Derby and Norway don't take the route I took.

The first 2 flights were alright, it's the third one that's hell. The airport was fairly big, the transfer time was tight and on top of that, the check in personells couldn't find my flight number even thought it was on the print out I showed them. Running through the security check and all the way to catch the flight, I was exhausted.
Arriving in Derby at hotel, the lady at the reception told me that she has given my room to another guest and she have to move me to a lower standard hotel across the street - for almost the same price! Seven hours travel, I was hungry and tired. Pissing off just took the last ounce of enery I got left. I finally got her to make sure that I have a room there for tomorrow and start walking with my luggage to the sleazy hotel.
Sleeping makes wonders, even though the bed smelled food. The work went well. It's quite weird, to start working right away with a bunch of ppl you haven't met or known.
Back to check in to the hotel I was supposed to be in already.
Dropped my stuff and out hunting for food. Which was a good idea because I found this.
It's a shopping mall and I ended up with all this.
...and some yummie stuff for the road (not alcohol!). As I was browsing the clothes shops I saw sizes up to 20! Looking at the range of cookies, candies and sweets the supermarket has to offer, I'm not surprise that those sizes are needed.
Something I've noticed is that strangers in the street, at the mall, the taxi driver ect keep calling me "love" and "darling". Why?

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