Freebies for yourself and your baby

There are a few freebies to expect when you are expecting.
They are in principle a pick of samples and full size merchandise of what that store have to offer moms. So it's  a win-win thing.
Now I'm stationed in Norway so the boxes below will only be avaible if you live in Norway.

Barnepakke from Rimi

(Picture not taken by me but the content was the same)

The box with best value inside comes from the supermarket chain Rimi. You can order it by going to their website fill in your details and they'll send you a pick-up card in your mailbox around due time.
This is only worth the trouble if you live in a city where there are Rimi supermarkets because that's where you'll be pickin it up.

Startbox from Libero Clubben

(Again picture 'borrowed' from the net but content was the same)
Join the Libero Club and they'll start by sending you a box with sample of their products. The diapers were very useful to start with.
When you are at a certain week of you pregnancy you will receive a pick up card which you will use to pick up your box at a Kiwi supermarket.

Fast, simple and pretty usefull content.
Just go here and fill in your details. Make sure you use an email address that you can access because that's where they'll send you a code to print out and bring to one of their drugstores to pick up the box.

Same principle as Apotekpakke above but from a different chain of drugstore.
Go here and sell them your details.

The Finnish baby box
Now the only one thing that makes me wish I was a Finn.
The Finnish goverment gives every expecting mother a box you can call the king of all babyboxes.

The idea is to provide the mother to be with one year's supply of what her baby will need.
I wish the Norwegian goverment (with all their oil money) would be as generous as the Finn.

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