Everyday life before and after birth

Having a baby is quite life changing and it's something I was prepared for....or so I thought.

The thing that hit me hardest is change of sleeping pattern. It has more to do with the length than the lack of sleep.
Sure I wasn't expecting my usual 8 hours but going from that to 3 x 1,5 hrs per night was devastating!
The good news is, it's getting better. Now the little one will let me sleep 3-4 hours continuously if I behave.

I've become so much more efficient with my morning routine nowadays. Before I would need about 2 hours from getting up to be ready to go out. Now half an hour is enough and that's included breakfast!
I've started to love my morning now because my little one is so cheerful and full of smile in the morning. I mean, who can resist such a cutie?

Evening have changed from me time to please-don't-cry-and-go-to-sleep-little-darling time. There's no point in turning the TV on, unless it's someting we can enjoy without the sound.
And when he's finally fall asleep, it's wise to go to bed too....who know when the wee alarm clock will sound next time.

Goodbye to roadtrips, cinema, restaurant visits, nights out or sleeping half of the day. It's just an ordinary working day for the parent.
Next after sleep, this is the bit I miss the most - having a relaxing nice meal without the little one start screaming in the middle of it or right when we're about to start.
Or having a nice conversation that doesn't include feeding, puking, pee and poop.

But then again, as soon as my little angel smiles, everything is forgiven and forgotten.

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