Standardize and Change

Although that's my work area, this post is not going to be work related rant. Well maybe a little depending on how you look at it. I think standadizing is good and change is bad. I'll explain to you why.
First of all I think there should be a world standard on which side of the road we drive - and it should be the right side, literally! In this way there'll be less traffic accidents cause by people who is forced into doing thing the opposite way to what they're used to.

Now to the 'change' part. When you have something good, functioning and standardized - don't change! For example:
  • The gearbox stick should always be on the right hand side
  • The driver seat should always be on the left hand side
  • The lid to the gas tank should always be screwable and not look confusingly half open half closed!
Change cause stress. If the change is unecessary then why do that to cause stress? Do you agreee?

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