The raining town - Bergen

So this is my second time here. Last time it rained a bit. This time it's raining a lot. Conclusion - yup it's true, this is the rainiest town in Norway.
I seemed to have end up in a funky room with a touch of 70s? Anyway love this chair though, wish I could bring it back home.

I got advices from a collegue to go for a delicious fish soup from this nice famous restaurant on the second floor. When I went there and checked, it turned out that the soup my collegue had when he stayed here came from the not so known restaurant next door to the one he thought he got it from. Should I tell him that? It's actually just a soup with fish balls, if you trust the descriptions. Not a fan of Norwegian fish balls, I skipped that advice.
My Iphone is more trust worthy when it comes to finding good places to eat. Not feeling for bounching left and right in the storm I went for a close by American food place - TGI Friday. All tables were fulled so they offer me a bar table which is quite suitable for a quick dinner for one.
If you're ever wondering why it's hard to find service minded waitresses/waiters in Sweden well let me enlight you - They've all migrated to Norway. This is the second restaurants out of three in big towns like Bergen and Trondheim that I've got taken good care of by lovely swedish waitresses. This proves another thing - if you want your staff to be happy, just raise their salaries!

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