...and I'm in Norway.
Midsummer in Norway or here in Ålesund is celebrated by lighting up a big tower of pallets. This year it looks like this (photos from Slinningsbålet facebook group)
It was lit up at 10pm today but for some reason, almost two hours has gone and it hasn't burnt much. smp.no is broadcasting live with a webcam on a page where people can write comments. The comments are quite sarcastic and enjoyable to read so I'll make a selection and post them here.
"Slinningsbålet sponses av Gjensidige - best på brannsikkerhet!"
Slinningsbålet is sponsored by Gjensidige (Norwegian insurance company) - best in fire safety!
"Neste gang Norge har vinter OL, slepper vi å tenne OL ilden hvertfall."
At least we don't need to light up the torch next time Norway is hosting the Winter Olympics
"Nå skjønner jeg. Dette er sunnmøringer som skal selge pallene neste uke og dermed venter de til alle har reist hjem og deretter begynner de å demontere bålet."
I got it now. This is the summørs people who's going to sell the pallets next week so they're waiting for everybody to go home and then they can start to dismantle the tower.
"Skal dere brenne bare litt i år og resten neste år?"
Are you going to burn just a little this year and the rest next year?
And the winner is: "Hyggeli at dæm har lagt inn 3-4 måna innsats i å bygg den plankhaugen, men MÅ dæm absolutt bruk samme tid på å brenn d ned???"
It's nice of them to spend 3-4 months on building this pile of woods, but do they HAVE TO use the exact amount of time to burn it down???
Norwegian are really wonderfully sarcastic with their comments.
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