Do you remember a while ago when we had the site were you can see the yearly income of any swedish citizen? Well norway's got one too and this one is run by the goverment. They even created rules to make this happen.
So if you know anybody working in norway since begining of last year just surf in to this page type their name and town and voila you'll know how his/her income. Pretty neat huh?
Norwegian people are actually quite open about their salary. Just ask and they'll tell you. No hush hush.

Now that blogspot let me upload picture again, here is some I supposed to post but couldn't.

Giant crab claws

Nostagia candy
Used to eat a lot of those when I was a kid.

Living room in my new flat. Quite roomy.

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3 kommentarer:

Vinh sa...

Hur mycket fick du ge för krabbklorna? Hörde något från Long att du köper billig krabba från nån? :O

Yuri sa...

40 nok för ett krabbskal fylld med bara krabbkött. De där klorna på bilden är köpta för ca 20nok per st från affären.

Vinh sa...

Billigt ju, antar att klorna är rätt stora om man jämför med tallriken...

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