Been playing with the blog layout coz I got tired of the old one. Now that I know how amazingly easy it is to change, I might change it more often.
I'm leaving tomorrow. The second trip with this job. I hope it'll be better than the first one.
It'll be stressy tomorrow. Need to look up some addresses and some phone numbers.
Looking forward to sushi. Living in Ålesund almost always about the quest for sushi coz there's not many place you can find sushi. I still haven't found good sushi worth paying for.
New Layout!
Deal with it!
My room felt cold today. Did I turn down the heating? Don't remember.
Touched the hot plate I just had in the oven with my bare hand, that hurts. What did I do that for?
My bloody net connection has turned unpredicted since sunday. Really hate the reload button now.
I thought my day was quite ok.
Instead of dealing with what's really troubling you, take a gun, go out and shoot some people. I like that.
This will make me forget everything.
Just found my long lost love - 森田童子
Been listened to her songs and liking it but it bugs me not to know her name. Finally found it!
The back side of being on the top is... know that from now on, there's only one direction?
I've had a wonderful weekend. My very own valentine's day and english breakfast.
I'm staring at the warm sand in my palm as I'm closing my hand, trying to find a way to stop the grains of sand from disapearing between my fingers.
Home sweet home!
Just got back from an adventure today. Did some mountain climbing - on high heels!!
Nah been doing some researches on the renting market in Ålesund and I must say you do get what you pay for. - even the ones with low rent.
"My" flat is perfect and comfy. I'd say I'd rather live here than in a five star hotel. It's just one thing that I'm not satisfy with - the rent. I can buy one round trip to Japan AND 7 days in hotel for the amount I'm paying in rent per month. But on the other hand, money are made to be waste right? I mean I'd rather staying here happily than 2/3 of what I'm paying now and struggling with noisy neighbours, no parking spot, old nasty furnitures, washing dishes by hand, mountain climbing twice a day.....the list can be very long.
You might get the impression of me as picky but I don't ask for much. A fairly spacey flat in decent condition, normally equiped, a parking spot for my car and average rent. That's all I'm asking! =)
Where I spent my Valentine's day/Chinese New Year
On top of a mountain! My leg in the left corner. If you can see a red spot, that's somebody skiing down the slop I'm trying to get down. This shall be the first and last time I'm in this position. My whole body is aching and I couldn't walk straight today.
I need a pair of wings!
Tomorrow is a special day. It's a great opportunity to spend money.
1. It's chinese new year and on chinese new year the older (read wealthier) members of the family gives the younger members money in a red envelope.
2. It's valentine's day, need I say more?
3. It's mother's day, in norway anyway not sure if it's in sweden also. Anyhow I've done my share ;-P
I've been thinking and re-thinking and thinking some more. The milion dollars question is how long will I stay in Norway? There's a few alternatives depending on some activities and results. I've done some serious thinking (yeah it's dangerous I know). Anyway it could be in May, August, some time next year or even further away.
Nothing wrong with this country really. It's more about what I feel like and what I prioritize. Most importantly it's about where I can enjoy my everyday life.
Got a dickhead to strangle
I should mention at some point that I got myself a Wii when I went to China. It was mainly meant for karaoke and DDR but I'm just halfway there. The DDR part is working while the karaoke part refuse to. Should I mention that my Wii is softmod?
Anyway, I'm also halfway through the process of acceptance that I never will get my Wii to recognize any mic. On the bright side, I can easily and free get almost any games I want. That does spoil the fun of enjoying the game a bit coz I they seems to bored me out too fast.
This month is my sixth in Norway. Wow half a year soon gone! Maybe I should do some ranting. I'm in the mood to rant today. Um um the mango I bought yesterday taste bad. Why do they serve hamburger at the cantine every bloody wednesday? If I see one more burger I'll puke! Seriously. Digging out my car twice a day is NOT fun!
Actually I haven't been totally honest here. What I really want to rant about....well I can't.
Would you excuse me for a sec, I just need to go and bank my head on something hard. No, not really but I'm nearly there.
Theme of this week - White, Blue and Pink
And it's sunday again. Days are passing by so quickly.
This weekend we went skiing again and I think I hurt my shoulder, well I feel kind of stift and it hurts.
This time we went to the top, it was sunny and perfect weather. The only thing I can complain about is WTH did they put a steap part in a green slope for??? Hope the blue one on the other side is better.
BTW I was supose to post this up a while ago but somehow just forgot.
My wall stickers. Well they didn't stick in place for very long time. Next time I'll make sure to buy bigger stickers.
I'm still amazed that my internet connection fail me only when I need it the updating this blog for example =P
I was going to rant about work but I better not. I mean I quite like my job....most of the time. I've been so focusing on work these two weeks so it felt great to get away for some skiing. I would be so depressed if I had to stay in and watch the winter wonderland outside my balcony and not be able to play in it.
I can feel that the daylight stays longer. With the snowy (and a bit icy) road, driving to and back from work becomes quite exciting. =) Kind of Need for Speed winter version. (>_<)